Loading All 0 - 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) The Primary Care Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Medicine Society (PCRMM) Versus Arthritis . Association of Surgeons in Primary Care . CQC . Lyme Resource Centre . Primary Care Dietitians . British Dietetic Association (BDA) Primary Care Cardiovascular Society (PCCS) Practice Index /IGPM Sara Aspinall Physiotherapist and Founder, STAK Orthopaedics Nilesh Bharakhada GP and Clinical Executive Director, PRSB (Professional Record Standards Body) Stephanie Bouckley Practice Nurse, Trainer & Independent Consultant Ivan Bristow Podiatrist; Associate Professor; Fellow, The Royal College of Podiatry and Committee Member, Primary Care Dermatology Society Thomas Butler Senior Lecturer in Nutrition and Health, Edge Hill University on behalf of Primary Care Dietitians Tim Cunliffe Executive Chair, Primary Care Dermatology Society; and Dermatology Lead for Skin Cancer, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Tracy Dell Practice Manager, Trainer & Independent Consultant Nigel Denby Dietitian and Founder Harley Street at Home Katy Drew Head of Primary Care Development, Sandison Easson Maisun Elftise GP; Consultant Integrated and Community Care, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust and Committee Member, Primary Care Respiratory Society Tracey Elliott Advanced Nurse Practitioner with Special Interest in Women’s Health and Executive Director, Primary Care Womens Health Society Ina Farrelly Tissue Viability Society Rey Felek Practice Manger Trainer & Independent Consultant Kevin Fernando GPwSI in Diabetes and Medical Education; GP Partner, North Berwick Health Centre and Faculty Member, Cardiovascular-renal-metabolic UK (CVRMUK) Valeed Ghafoor GP Partner and CEO, General Practice Specialists Dawn Harper GP Steve Holmes GP, The Park Medical Practice, Shepton Mallet; Respiratory Clinical Lead for the South West and Integrated Care Lead, Somerset ICB Liz Jacobs Extended Scope Practitioner (Knee), The Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Ren Lawlor Independent Nurse Consultant; Vice Chair, Executive Committee and Chair, Education Committee, The Primary Care Respiratory Society Diana Mansour Consultant in Community Gynaecology and Reproductive Healthcare, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Tahir Nadeem GP, Coventry and Committee Member, Primary Care Dermatology Society Emma Park GP/Trainer PCS Heeley; Clinical Lead CASES & Sexual Health and Vice-Chair, RCGP Adolescent Clinical Interest Group Megan Rossi Gut Health Scientist and Dietitian, The Gut Health Doctor Amena Salar GPwSI Women’s Health, Modality Partnership and Primary Care Womens Health Society Ben Scorer Primary Care IT Consultant, Perfect Your Practices Fiona Smith Denise Smith Practice Manager, Merepark Medical Centre Raj Thakkar President and CKD Lead, Primary Care Cardiovascular Society; GP and Honorary Visiting Professor, Cardiff University Diabetes UK Julie Van Onselen Dermatology Lecturer Practitioner; Dermatology Clinical Nurse Specialist and Committee Member, Primary Care Dermatology Society Florence Wilcock Consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Kingston and Richmond NHS Foundation Trust