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Primary Care Show 2024



Knee Pain – An FCP Consultation

16 May 2024
Therapy Programme

Improve your skills and increase your confidence in treating your patients with common knee conditions e.g., osteoarthritis.

The trainer will go through the stages of a typical FCP consultation of knee pain including a ‘decluttered’ examination, an explanation of the condition and how to formulate a management plan.

Learning outcomes:

  • Gain confidence in taking an effective history from an MSK patient, including eliciting red flags and psychosocial flags.  
  • Be able to demonstrate focused examination of the MSK patient.
  • Practice explanation of the diagnosis.
  • Formulate a management plan, including appropriate investigations, referral, safety net and follow-up.
Anthony Woolf, Director, MSK Aware and Co-Chair Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health
Johan Holte, Consultant Physiotherapist and MSK Champion, Versus Arthritis

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