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Primary Care Show 2024



Diagnosing Inflammatory Joint Disease in Primary Care; Has Your Patient Got The S Factor

15 May 2024
GP Programme 1

In this session we aim to improve your knowledge and skills in diagnosing IJD when it presents in primary care.

Learning outcomes:

  • Improved confidence in making a diagnosis of IJD.
  • Improved confidence in making a prompt referral to secondary care.
  • Improved understanding of the delay in diagnosis of IJD and learn how to reduce this.
  • Increased awareness of relevant resources available to support clinicians and patients.
Onebieni Ana, GP and MSK National Trainer, Versus Arthritis
Louise Warburton, GP with Extended Role , Shropshire Community NHS Trust; Co-President, The Primary Care Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Medicine Society (PCRMM) and Core Skills Trainer, Versus Arthritis

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