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Primary Care Show 2024



Back Pain – an FCP Consultation

16 May 2024
Therapy Programme

Improve your skills and increase your confidence in managing patients with low back pain and sciatica in an evidence-based way.

The trainer will go through the stages of a typical FCP consultation of low back pain including a ‘decluttered’ examination, an explanation of the condition and how to formulate a management plan.

Learning outcomes:

  • Gain confidence in taking an effective history from an MSK patient, including eliciting red flags and psychosocial flags.
  • Be able to demonstrate focused examination of the MSK patient.
  • Practice explanation of the diagnosis.
  • Formulate a NICE approved management plan, including appropriate investigations, referral, safety net and follow-up.
  • has context menu
Anthony Woolf, Director, MSK Aware and Co-Chair Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health
Johan Holte, Consultant Physiotherapist and MSK Champion, Versus Arthritis

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