A pioneer and world leader in the design and manufacture of prefabricated orthotics, Formthotics™ help people lead active and pain-free lives.
Manufactured in New Zealand and backed by 4 decades of research and development, Formthotics are proven to prevent injuries and falls, treat lower limb and back pain, and provide a greater level comfort and enhanced performance. In just a few minutes, Formthotics can be heated and fitted, moulding to the shape of the foot and shoe to deliver a personalised fit.
Today, Formthotics are exported to over 50 countries and worn by millions of people around the world and are proud to help keep people active around the world.
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Alter foot biomechanics and function in the frontal plane at the rearfoot.
Designed to support the transverse arch and reduce excessive metatarsal loading.
Alter foot biomechanics and function in the frontal plane at the rearfoot.
An all-purpose orthotic addition suitable for both rearfoot and forefoot modification.
An all-purpose orthotic addition suitable for both rearfoot and forefoot modification.
Provides additional support of the medial column of the foot.
Alter biomechanics and function in the sagittal plane at the rearfoot.
Alter biomechanics and function in the sagittal plane at the rearfoot.
Alter the triplane action of dorsiflexion, eversion and abduction at the rearfoot.
An orthotic addition suitable for forefoot modification of Formthotics.